Ancestry Canada
CanGenealogy Canadian Genealogy Manitoba Newspapers
More newspaper back issues are being placed on the Internet every year. They can help a genealogist in many ways – by providing information on births, deaths and marriages, but noting store openings or major economic changes, or by reminding us whose pumpkins were the biggest back at the fall fair.

See also Manitoba links | Manitoba directories

General information

The Ancestor Hunt - Manitoba
Comprehensive site with extensive lists of newspapers.

The Google News Archive is one of the most extensive collections available, but it has serious flaws. Searching is almost impossible, so be prepared to browse. Date ranges are often inaccurate. Also, there are usually gaps.
Search Tips for Google News Archive -- By Kimberly Powell.
Newspapers on Google -- Search by keywords and by specifying the source.
Titles available on Google -- A tough-to-use list of the newspapers available.
Different selection of newspapers; some Canadian titles included.

Titles by location

(Brandon) The Brandon Sun 1961–1977

(Brandon) The Brandon Daily Mail 1882-1883
From Peel's Prairie Provinces

(Brandon) The Brandon Mail 1883-1897
From Peel's Prairie Provinces

(Brandon) The Brandon Mail 1884-1897
From Google Newspapers

(Brandon) The Brandon Daily Mail 1882-1888
From Google Newspapers

(Brandon) Brandon Daily Sun 1900-1917
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Brandon) Brandon Sun Weekly 1885-1897
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Minnedosa) Minnedosa Tribune 1883-1922
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Portage la Prairie) Portage la Prairie Weekly 1884-1906
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(St. Boniface) Courrier du Nord-Ouest 1888
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(St. Boniface) La Liberté 1913-1920
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(St. Boniface) Ouest Canadien 1889
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(St. Boniface) La Liberté 1971-2013
From Peel's Prairie Provinces

(St. Boniface) Le Métis 1871-1981
From Peel's Prairie Provinces

(Winnipeg) Winnipeg Free Press 1874-2012
The most important newspaper in Manitoba.

(Winnipeg) Manitoba Free Press 1874–1931

(Winnipeg) Manitoba Free Press Daily 1891

(Winnipeg) Manitoba Morning Free Press 1893-1914

(Winnipeg) The Winnipeg Tribune 1890–1949

(Winnipeg) Free Press Evening Bulletin 1932

(Winnipeg) Free Press Evening News Bulletin 1900

(Winnipeg) The Grain Growers' Guide 1909-1919
From Peel's Prairie Provinces

(Winnipeg) The Manitoban 1870-1900
From Google Newspapers

(Winnipeg) The Manitoba Gazette 1883-1890
From Google Newspapers

(Winnipeg) La Liberté 1913-1941
From Peel's Prairie Provinces

(Winnipeg) La Liberté et le patriote 1941-1971
From Peel's Prairie Provinces

(Winnipeg) The Jewish Post & News 1984-1996
From Google Newspapers

(Winnipeg) Daily Nor'Wester 1896-1898
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Echo du Manitoba 1898-1905
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) The Enlightener 1919
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Le Manitoba 1883-1925
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Le Métis 1871-1881
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Libre Parole 1916-1917
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Manitoba Free Press 1872-1878
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Manitoba Gazette 1878-1879
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Manitoba Herald 1877
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Manitoba Liberal 1871-1899
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) The Manitoban 1914-1947
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Manitoban and Northwest Herald 1870-1874
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Le Metis 1871-1881
From Google Newspapers

(Winnipeg) Manitoba News-Letter 1870-1871
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Morning Telegram 1898
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) New Nation 1870
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Nor'Wester 1859-1869
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Nor'Wester 1874-1875
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) One Big Union 1919
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) The People's Voice 1894-1897
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Quiz 1878-1879
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Red River Pioneer 1869
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Standard 1874-1875
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Strikers Defense Bulletin 1919
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) The Voice 1897-1918
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Western Labor News
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) The Western Star 1919
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Winnipeg Citizen 1919
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Winnipeg Daily Sun 1881
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections
(Winnipeg) Canadian Jewish Chronicle (Winnipeg) 1991-1991
From Google Newspapers

(Winnipeg) The Winnipeg Socialist 1921
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Winnipeg Telegram Strike Editions 1919
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

(Winnipeg) Winnipeg Tribune 1890-1980
From University of Manitoba Digital Collections

Manitoba Newspapers 1859-1920
From the University of Manitoba Digital Collections. Publications from several communities in the province.
Newspapers from Manitoba and Alberta, 1905-2006.

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Ancestry Canada

Books by
Dave Obee

Counting Canada


The ultimate guide to the Canadian census
C$30 plus shipping
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Destination Canada


All about Canadian immigration sources
C$30 plus shipping
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